研究领域 |
工作经历 |
荣誉奖励 |
2017,微生物农药生态环境安全性评价与安全使用技术. 环境保护科学技术奖,二等奖
2007,植物内生真菌代谢物研究. 教育部高等学校科学技术奖(自然科学奖)一等奖
代表性成果 |
[1] X. Liu, Z. Ul. A. Muhammad, Y. Xue, C. Liu. Genome-wide characterization of laccase gene family in Schizophyllum commune 20R-7-F01, isolated from deep sediment 2 km below the seafloor. Front. Microb. 2022, 13: 923451
[2] X. Liu, X. Huang, C. Chu, H. Xu, L. Wang*, Y. Xue, Z. Ul A. Muhammad, F. Inagaki, C. Liu*. Genome, genetic evolution, and environmental adaptation mechanisms of Schizophyllum commune in deep subseafloor coal-bearing sediments. iScience 2022, 25, 104417.
[3] Z. Ul. A. Muhammad, Y. Ma, T. Wu, C. Chu, X. Liu, J. Jiang, D. Li, Y.R. Xue, C. H. Liu*. Anaerobic biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by fungi isolated from anaerobic coal-associated sediments at 2.5 km below the seafloor. Chemosphere. 2022, 303, 135062.
[4] Z. Ul. A. Muhammad, Z. J. Ma, S. Wu, J. Z. Liu, Y. R. Xue, C. H. Liu. Effect of oxygen concentrations and branched-chain amino acids on the growth and development of sub-seafloor fungus, Schizophyllum commune 20R-7-F01. Environ. Microbiol. 2021, 23, 6940–6952.
[5] Z. Ul. A. Muhammad, C. Chu, X. Yang, J. Liu, X. Huang, Y. Ma, X. Liu, Y. Xue, C. Liu*. The anaerobic survival mechanism of Schizophyllum commune 20R-7-F01, isolated from deep sediment 2 km below the seafloor. Environ. Microbiol. 2021, 23, 1174–1185.
[6] C. H. Liu*, X. Huang, T. N. Xie, N. Duan, Y. R. Xue, T. X. Zhao, M. A. Lever, K.-U. Hinrichs, F. Inagaki. Exploration of cultivable fungal communities in deep coal-bearing sediments from ~1.3 to 2.5 km below the ocean floor. Environ. Microbiol. 2017, 19, 803–818.
[7] F. Inagaki, K.-U. Hinrichs, Y. Kubo, et al. Exploring deep microbial life in coal-bearing sediment down to ~2.5 km below the ocean floor. Science 2015, 349, 420–424.
[8] X. X. Kang, L. H. Wang, Y. Guo, Z. Ul. A. Muhammad, X. C. Cai, Y. R. Xue*, Y. Q. Bu, G. Wang, C. H. Liu*. A comparative transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of hexaploid wheat’s responses to colonization by Bacillus velezensisand Gaeumannomyces graminis, both separately and combined. Mol. Plant-Microbe Int. 2019, 32, 1336–1347.
[9] X. X. Kang, Y. Guo, S. Leng, L. Xiao, L. H. Wang, Y. R. Xue*, C. H. Liu*. Comparative transcriptome profiling of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici in wheat roots in the absence and presence of biocontrol Bacillus velezensis CC09. Front. Microbiol. 2019, 10, 1474.
[10] X. C. Cai, H. Xi, L. Liang, J. D. Liu, C. H. Liu*, Y. R. Xue, X. Y. Yu. Rifampicin-resistance mutations in the rpoB gene in Bacillus velezensis CC09 have pleiotropic effects. Front. Microbiol. 2017, 8, 178.
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