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  • 杨四海













1. Yang S#, Wang L#, Huang J#, Zhang X, Yuan Y, Chen J-Q, Hurst LD*, Tian D* (2015). Parent-progeny sequencing indicates higher mutation rates in heterozygotes. Nature 523(7561): 463

2. Liu H#, Zhang X#, Huang J, Chen JQ, Tian D, Hurst LD*, Yang S*. (2015) Causes and consequences of crossing-over evidenced via a high-resolution recombinational landscape of the honey bee. Genome Biology 16:15

3. Si W, Yuan Y, Huang J, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Tian D, Wang C, Yang YH*, Yang S*. (2015) Widely distributed hot and cold spots in meiotic recombination as shown by sequencing of rice F2 plants. New Phytologist 206 :1491-1502

4. Yang S#, Li J#, Zhang X#, Zhang Q, Huang J, Chen J-Q, Hartl DL, Tian D*. (2013) Rapidly evolving genes in diverse grass species confer resistance to rice blast disease. PNAS 110: 18572-18577

5. Zhong Y, Jia Y, Gao Y, Tian D, Yang S*, Zhang X*. (2013) Functional requirements driving the gene duplication in 12 Drosophila species. BMC Genomics 14:555

6. Yang S#, Yuan Y#, Wang L#, Li J, Wang W, Liu H, Chen JQ, Hurst LD, Tian D*. (2012) Great majority of recombination events in Arabidopsis are gene conversion events. PNAS 109: 20992–20997

7. Yue J-X, Meyers BC, Chen J-Q, Tian D*, Yang S*. (2012) Tracing the origin and evolutionary history of plant nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) genesNew Phytologist 193: 1049–1063

8. Zhang X, Wang L, Yuan Y, Tian D*, Yang S*. (2011) Rapid copy number expansion and recent recruitment of domains in S-receptor kinase-like genes contribute to the origin of self-incompatibility. FEBS J 278: 4323-4337

9. Yue J-X, Li J, Wang D, Araki H, Tian D, Yang S* (2010) Genome-wide investigation reveals high evolutionary rates in annual model plantsBMC Plant Biol 10: 242

10. Tian D*, Wang Q, Zhang P, Araki H, Yang S, Kreitman M, Nagylaki T, Hudson T, Bergelson J, Chen J. (2008) Single-nucleotide mutation rate increases close to insertions/deletions in eukaryotes. Nature 455: 105-108
