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1.  Dan C, Jinjun B, Zi-Chun H, Lin M, Wei C, Xu Z, Ri Z, Shun C, Wen-Zhu S, Qing-Cai J, Wu Y*. Modulation of TNF-alpha mRNA stability by human antigen R and miR181s in sepsis-induced immunoparalysis. EMBO Mol Med 2015; 7:140-157

2.  Yin W, Cheng W, Shen W, Shu L, Zhao J, Zhang J, Hua ZC. Impairment of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in CD95(APO-1)-induced human T-cell leukemia cell apoptosis mediated by glutathione depletion and generation of hydrogen peroxide. Leukemia 2007; 21:1669-1678

3. Yang K, Chen Y, Zhou J, Ma L, Shan Y, Cheng X, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Ji X, Chen L, Dai H, Zhu B, Li C, Tao Z, Hu X, Yin W*. Ursolic acid promotes apoptosis and mediates transcriptional suppression of CT45A2 gene expression in non-small-cell lung carcinoma harbouring EGFR T790M mutations. Br J Pharmacol 2019; 176:4609-4624 7.256

4. Feng S, Chen W, Cao D, Bian J, Gong FY, Cheng W, Cheng S, Xu Q, Hua ZC, Yin W*. Involvement of Na(+), K (+)-ATPase and its inhibitors in HuR-mediated cytokine mRNA stabilization in lung epithelial cells. Cell Mol Life Sci 2011; 68:109-124

5. Yao DD, Yang L, Wang Y, Liu C, Wei YJ, Jia XB, Yin W*, Shu L. Geniposide promotes beta-cell regeneration and survival through regulating beta-catenin/TCF7L2 pathway. Cell Death Dis 2015; 6:e1746 

6. Shi YL, Feng S, Chen W, Hua ZC, Bian JJ, Yin W*. Mitochondrial inhibitor sensitizes non-small-cell lung carcinoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis by reactive oxygen species and Bcl-X(L)/p53-mediated amplification mechanisms. Cell Death Dis. 2014;5:e1579. 

7. Kai W, Yating S, Lin M, Kaiyong Y, Baojin H, Wu Y*, Fangzhou Y, Yan C. Natural product toosendanin reverses the resistance of human breast cancer cells to adriamycin as a novel PI3K inhibitor. Biochem Pharmacol 2018; 152:153-164 

8. Yin W, Li X, Feng S, Cheng W, Tang B, Shi YL, Hua ZC. Plasma membrane depolarization and Na,K-ATPase impairment induced by mitochondrial toxins augment leukemia cell apoptosis via a novel mitochondrial amplification mechanism. Biochem Pharmacol 2009; 78:191-202

9. Chen T, Yan D, Cheng X, Ji X, Bian J, Yin W*. miR-1224-5p Enhances Hepatic Lipogenesis by Targeting Adenosine Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase alpha1 in Male Mice. Endocrinology 2018; 159:2008-2021 

10. Wei C, Lin M, Jinjun B, Su F, Dan C, Yan C, Jie Y, Jin Z, Zi-Chun H, Wu Y*. Involvement of general control nonderepressible kinase 2 in cancer cell apoptosis by posttranslational mechanisms. Mol Biol Cell 2015; 26:1044-1057
