研究领域 |
工作经历 |
2013-至今 南京大学教授, 博士生导师
2009–1012 Research Fellow,神经生物学实验室,美国国立环境卫生科学研究院,北卡罗莱那州
2007–2008 博士后,毒理和药理实验室,美国国立环境卫生科学研究院,北卡罗莱那州
2004–2006 博士后,神经退行性疾病研究中心, 病理和实验医学系,宾西法尼亚大学医学院,费城,美国
荣誉奖励 |
学术任职 |
代表性成果 |
[1] R. Yang, Y. Gao, Hui Li, W. Huang, D. Tu, M. Yang, X. Liu, J.-S. Hong and H.-M. Gao* (2022) Posttranslational S-nitrosylation modification regulates HMGB1 secretion and promotes its pro-inflammatory and neurodegenerative effects. Cell Reports (in press)
[2] D. Liu, Y. Zhao, Y. Qi, Y. Gao, D. Tu, Y. Wang, H.-M. Gao* and H. Zhou* (2020) Benzo(a)pyrene exposure induced neuronal loss, plaque deposition, and cognitive decline in APP/PS1 mice. Journal of Neuroinflammation 17(1):258.
[3] D. Tu, Y. Gao, R. Yang, T. Guan, J.-S. Hong and H.-M. Gao* (2019) The pentose phosphate pathway regulates chronic neuroinflammation and dopaminergic neurodegeneration. Journal of Neuroinflammation 16:255
[4] C.H. Chu, S. Wang, C. L. Li, S. H. Chen, C. F. Hu, Y. L. Chung, S. L. Chen, Q. Wang, R. B. Lu, H.-M. Gao*, J. S. Hong (2016) Neurons and astroglia govern microglial endotoxin tolerance through macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor-mediated ERK1/2 signals. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 55: 260–272
[5] H. Zhou, J. Liao, J. Aloor, H. Nie, B. Wilson, M. Fessler, H.-M. Gao*, J.-S. Hong (2013) CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1) is a novel surface receptor for extracellular double-stranded RNA to mediate cellular inflammatory responses. Journal of Immunology 190:115-125 (杂志重点推荐)
[6] H.-M. Gao*, H. Zhou, J.-S. Hong (2012) NADPH oxidases: novel therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 33(6): 295-303
[7] H. Zhou, F. Zhang, S. H. Chen, D. Zhang, B. Wilson, J.-S. Hong, H.-M. Gao* (2012) Rotenone activates phagocyte NADPH oxidase through binding to its membrane subunit gp91phox. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 52: 303–313.
[8] H.-M. Gao*, H. Zhou, F. Zhang, B. Wilson, W. Kam, J.-S. Hong (2011) HMGB1 acts on microglia Mac1 to mediate chronic neuroinflammation that drives progressive neurodegeneration. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(3):1081–1092
[9] H.-M. Gao, P. T. Kotzbauer, K. Uryu, S. Leight, J. Q. Trojanowski, V. M. Lee. (2008) Neuroinflammation and oxidation/nitration of α-synuclein linked to dopaminergic neurodegeneration. Journal of Neuroscience. 28(30):7687–7698
[10] H.-M. Gao* and J.-S. Hong (2008) Why neurodegenerative diseases are progressive: uncontrolled inflammation drives disease progression. Trends in Immunology 29: 357-365(封面插图)
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