研究领域 |
工作经历 |
荣誉奖励 |
南京大学新华报业优秀青年教师奖 2020年
南京大学优秀教学团队奖 2020年
学术任职 |
2019- 中国生物化学与分子生物学会教学专业委员会青年委员
代表性成果 |
1) Lu, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, L., Feng, X., Ding, S., Zheng, W., ... & Shen, P. (2014). TAB1: A Target of Triptolide in Macrophages. Chemistry & biology(Cell Chemical Biology) 21,2, 246–256
2) Shu, Y., Y. Lu, X. Pang, W. Zheng, Y. Huang, J. Li, J. Ji, C. Zhang and P. Shen (2016). "Phosphorylation of PPARgamma at Ser84 promotes glycolysis and cell proliferation in hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting PFKFB4." Oncotarget 7(47): 76984-76994.
3) Zheng, W., C. Wang, R. H. Ding, Y. H. Huang, Y. Y. Li and Y. Lu* (2019). "Triptolide-loaded nanoparticles targeting breast cancer in vivo with reduced toxicity." International Journal of Pharmaceutics 572:118721-118721.
4) Zhao, F., L. Sun, N. Yang, W. Zheng, P. Shen, Y. Huang and Y. Lu* (2020). "Increased release of microvesicles containing mitochondria is associated with the myeloid differentiation of AML-M5 leukaemia cells." Exp Cell Res 395(2): 112213
5) Shu, Y. X., M. H. Qin, Y. Song, Q. Tang, Y. H. Huang, P. P. Shen and Y. Lu* (2020). "M2 polarization of tumor-associated macrophages is dependent on integrin beta 3 via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma up-regulation in breast cancer." Immunology 160(4): 345-356
6) Yang, N., P. Liu, C. Cai, R. Zhang, K. Sang, P. Shen, Y. Huang and Y. Lu *(2021), Triple signal amplification strategy for the ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of human papillomavirus 16 E6/E7 mRNA,Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Volume 149,109855-109859
7) 《普通生物化学》 第6版 高教出版社 参编 2021年
8) 《生物化学实验》 第6版 科学出版社 参编 2018年
9) 《分子生物学》 第2版 南京大学出版社 副主编 2017年
团队风采 |