研究领域 |
工作经历 |
荣誉奖励 |
2015-2016 国家留学基金委青年骨干教师
学术任职 |
Scientific reports、International pharmacology 等杂志审稿人
代表性成果 |
[1] Xue W, Yu Y, Yao Y, Zhou L, Huang Y, Wang Y, Chen Z, Wang L, Li X, Wang X, Du R, Shen Y, Xu Q. Breast cancer cells have an increased ferroptosis risk induced by system xc blockade after deliberately downregulating CYTL1 to mediate malignancy. Redox Biology. 2024; 70:103034.
[2] Xu Z, Li X, Ding Z, Zhang Y, Peng Z, Yang X, Cao W, Du R. LRPPRC inhibits autophagy and promotes foam cell formation in atherosclerosis. FEBS J. 2022 Dec;289(23):7545-7560.
[3] Xu Z, Zhang M, Li X, Wang Y, Du R. Exercise Ameliorates Atherosclerosis via Up-Regulating Serum β-Hydroxybutyrate Levels. Int J Mol Sci. 2022;23(7):3788-3804.
[4] Ding W, Ding Z, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Gao Q, Cao W, Du R. Evodiamine attenuates experimental colitis injury via activating autophagy and inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome assembly. Frontiers in Pharmacology.2020;11:573870.
[5] Gao Q , Wei A, Chen F, Chen X, Ding W, Ding Z, Wu Z, Du R, Cao W. Enhancing PPARγ by HDAC inhibition reduces foam cell formation and atherosclerosis in ApoE deficient mice. Pharmacol Res. 2020;160:105059.
[6] Zhang Q1, Du R1, Reis Monteiro Dos Santos GR, Yefidoff-Freedman R, Bohm A, Halperin J, Chorev M, Aktas BH.New activators of eIF2α Kinase Heme-Regulated Inhibitor (HRI) with improved biophysical properties. Eur J Med Chem. 2020;187:111973.
[7]Cao Y, Ding W, Zhang J, Gao Q, Yang H, Cao W, Wang Z, Fang L, Du R. Significant Down-Regulation of Urea Cycle Generates Clinically Relevant Proteomic Signature in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients with Macrovascular Invasion. J Proteome Res. 2019;18(5):2032-2044.
[8]Qin T1, Du R1, Huang F, Yin S, Yang J, Qin S, Cao W. Sinomenine activation of Nrf2 signaling prevents hyperactive inflammation and kidney injury in a mouse model of obstructive nephropathy. Free Radical Bio Med. 2016;92:90-99.
[9]Du RH, Qin SY, Shi LS, Zhou ZQ, Zhu XY, Liu J, Tan RX, Cao W. Fumigaclavine C activates PPARγ pathway and attenuates atherogenesis in ApoE-deficient mice. Atherosclerosis. 2014;234(1):120-128
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