研究领域 |
工作经历 |
荣誉奖励 |
学术任职 |
2021-,《Ecological Entomology》(IF: 2.7)编委
2022-,《Integrative Zoology》(IF:2.1)编委
代表性成果 |
[1]. Xinqiang Xi, John N. Griffin, Shucun Sun (2013) Grasshoppers amensalistically suppress caterpillar performance and enhance plant biomass in an alpine meadow. Oikos.122:1049-1057.
[2]. Xinqiang Xi, Junpeng Mu, Youhong Peng, Nico Eisenhauer, Shucun Sun (2015) Capitulum density-dependent effects generate peak seed yield at an intermediate density of a Tibetan lotus. Journal of Plant Ecology.9:100-106.
[3]. Xinqiang Xi, Xinwei Wu, Sören Nylin, Shucun Sun (2015) Body size response to warming: time of the season matters in a tephritid fly. Oikos.125:386-394.
[4]. Xinqiang Xi, Nico Eisenhauer, Shucun Sun (2015) Parasitoid wasps indirectly suppress seed production by stimulating consumption rates of their seed-feeding hosts. Journal of Animal Ecology.84:1103-1111.
[5]. Xinqiang Xi, Yangheshan Yang, Yonghua Yang, Michal Segoli, Shucun Sun (2017) Plant-mediated resource partitioning by coexisting parasitoids. Ecology. 98:1660-1670.
[6]. Xinqiang Xi, Yuran Dong, Xingjun Tian, Haigen Xu, Qingping Zhou, Karl J. Niklas, Shucun Sun (2018) Domestic honeybees affect the performance of pre-dispersal seed predators in an alpine meadow. Oecologia.187:113-122.
[7]. Xinqiang Xi, Liang Zhang, Beibei Zhang, Yuran Dong, Karl J Niklas, Shucun Sun (2019) Suboptimal oviposition of tephritid flies support parasitoid wasps. Ecological Entomology.44:717-720.
[8]. Xinqiang Xi, Liang Zhang, Diego P. Vazquez, Yuran Dong, Shucun Sun (2020) Experimental reduction of plant abundance changes interaction frequency of a tri-trophic micro-food web: contrasting responses of generalists and specialists. Journal of Ecology.108:415-423.
[9]. Xinqiang Xi, Yangheshan Yang, Jason M. Tylianakis, Yang Sihai, Yuran Dong, Shucun Sun (2020). Asymmetric interaction of seed-predation network contributes to rare-species advantage. Ecology, ecy.3050.
[10]. Xinqiang Xi, Wenlong Zhou, Zhao Li, Lei Hu, Yuran Dong, Karl J. Niklas, Shucun Sun (2021) Rare plant species are disadvantageous when both herbivory and pollination interactions are considered in an alpine meadow. Journal of Animal Ecology
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