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  • 曹萤










1. Zhang M, Liu Y, Shi L, Fang L, Xu L, Cao Y*. Neural stemness unifies cell tumorigenicity and pluripotent differentiation potential. J Biol Chem. 2022 Jul;298(7):102106.  (*Correspondence).

2. Cao Y*. Neural is Fundamental: Neural Stemness as the Ground State of Cell Tumorigenicity and Differentiation Potential. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 2022 Jan;18(1):37-55. (*Correspondence).

3. Chen L, Zhang M, Fang L, Yang X, Cao N, Xu L, Shi L, Cao Y*. Coordinated regulation of the ribosome and proteasome by PRMT1 in the maintenance of neural stemness in cancer cells and neural stem cells. J Biol Chem. 2021 Nov;297(5):101275. (*Correspondence). 

4. Yang X, Cao N, Chen L, Liu L, Zhang M, Cao Y*. Suppression of Cell Tumorigenicity by Non-neural Pro-differentiation Factors via Inhibition of Neural Property in Tumorigenic Cells. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Sep 14;9:714383. (*Correspondence). 

5. Xu L, Zhang M, Shi L, Yang X, Chen L, Cao N, Lei A, Cao Y*. Neural stemness contributes to cell tumorigenicity. Cell Biosci. 2021 Jan 19;11(1):21. (*Correspondence).

6. Lei A, Chen L, Zhang M, Yang X, Xu L, Cao N, Zhang Z and Cao Y* (2019). EZH2 Regulates Protein Stability via Recruiting USP7 to Mediate Neuronal Gene Expression in Cancer Cells. Front. Genet. 10:422. (*Correspondence).

7. Cao Y*. (2017) Tumorigenesis as a process of gradual loss of original cell identity and gain of properties of neural precursor/progenitor cells. Cell Biosci (2017) 7:61. (*Correspondence).

8. Zhang Z, Lei AH, Xu LY, Chen L, Chen YL, Zhang XN, Gao Y, Yang XL, Zhang M, Cao Y* (2017) Similarity in gene-regulatory networks suggests that cancer cells share characteristics of embryonic neural cells. J Biol Chem 292: 12842-12859. (*Correspondence). 

9. Zhang X, Gao Y, Lu L, Zhang Z, Gan S, Xu L, Lei A, Cao Y*. JmjC Domain-containing Protein 6 (Jmjd6) Derepresses the Transcriptional Repressor Transcription Factor 7-like 1 (Tcf7l1) and Is Required for Body Axis Patterning during Xenopus Embryogenesis. J Biol Chem. 2015 Aug 14;290(33):20273-83. (*Correspondence).

10. Lu L, Gao Y, Zhang Z, Cao Q, Zhang X, Zou J, Cao Y*. Kdm2a/b Lysine Demethylases Regulate Canonical Wnt Signaling by Modulating the Stability of Nuclear β-Catenin. Dev Cell. 2015 Jun 22;33(6):660-74. (*Correspondence).

11. Cao Q, Zhang X, Lu L, Yang L, Gao J, Gao Y, Ma H, Cao Y*. Klf4 is required for germ-layer differentiation and body axis patterning during Xenopus embryogenesis. Development. 2012 Nov; 139(21):3950-61. (*Correspondence).
